Know Your Rights Under the ADA

Do You Know Your Rights Under The Americans With Disabilities Act
& The Rehabilitation Act?

Under the law, you have the right to request reasonable accommodations in the way health care providers and other businesses assist you or communicate with you.

Know Your Rights Postcard to Bring to Your Doctor

Know Your Rights Postcard

Be sure to print this postcard and bring it to your doctor.

Reasonable Accommodations include:

  • Assisting you in filling out applications or other forms
  • Providing admissions information in large print or other accessible formats
  • Providing discharge planning documents in large print or other accessible formats
  • Allowing a guide dog to accompany you
  • Helping you locate information or a product

If you are admitted to a hospital, nursing home (for rehabilitation services) or you receive home health services, assert your rights and request publications and other documents that are given to the public (e.g. admission information, discharge plans, home health care information, doctor’s orders, treatment procedures, etc) in large print, Braille, or other accessible format.

For Help Asserting Your Rights Contact ROBERT GOODMAN MSW at 561.465.2224

Read and Understand Your Rights, Download the Florida Statue

ACB Article on Disability Rights

Patient and Disability Rights in the Healthcare Setting


Help recognize vision friendly companies — If you know companies that are following the above procedures please email to:

[email protected]

They will be included in our upcoming guide of “Vision Friendly Companies”

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